Tag Archives: Notes on a Scandal

Ooh-La-la! Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench on Holloway Road

26 Jun

After two lazy week spent in sunny Liguria eating pasta al pesto, focaccia col formaggio and gelati while working on my Hollywood on the Italian Riviera project, yours truly is back in town. Lights, Camera…Islington! series 2 is now on.

In our last post before our departure, we talked about Notes on a Scandal (2006) and left teachers Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench enjoying a good old cuppa in one of Islington’s favourite greasy, The Shepherdess on City Road.

The following scene of the movie was also shot in Islington you’ll be delighted to hear. Shortly after their cup of tea and on their way home Sheba (Blanchett) and Barbara (Dench) can be seen strolling and chatting on…Holloway Road!

Having just passed the Ooh-La-La! vintage shop, they stop and have a look at the window of the Egerton Pharmacy, nearby St Mary Magdalene Gardens and Islington Central Library.

Notes on a Scandal - Holloway Road - OhLaLa - FILM

Notes on a Scandal - Holloway Road - OhLaLa - MRX

That’s all for this week: short and sweet as I am still on Italian mood!

Fade Out

Enjoyed this post? Feel free to comment, share it with your friends and come to Islington to discover our locations! Don’t forget to send me your pictures.

And if you do know any Islington location used for Film, TV, photo shoot or have been involved in the process, drop me a line at TheUnbelievableMrX(at)gmail.com or via Twitter

How to get there?

Islington Film Locations Map

Ooh-La-La! & Egerton Pharmacy

147 & 145 Holloway Road N7 8LX

Highbury and Islington Station (Zone 2)

Holloway Tube Station (Zone 2)

Many buses to Holloway Road

The Shepherdess Café: Storm in a Tea Cup

29 May

This week, we are back in City Road flirting with our Hackney neighbours to visit one of our favourite Islington film location. In fact, one of our favourite Islington spots, full stop.

In Islington Arts & Media School Star among the Stars we saw how Richard Eyre’s Notes on a Scandal (2006) had used extensively IAMS, central to the story of teachers Sheba Hart (Cate Blanchett) and Barbara Covett (Judi Dench).

When not in classrooms or preparing lessons, what do teachers do? In some cases, and like most of us, they enjoy a good old cuppa. And where best to enjoy a good old cuppa than The Shepherdess Café on City Road?

Towards the beginning of the movie, after a hard day’s work, Barbara, Sheba and their colleague Sue (Joanna Scanlan) head off to their nearby caff. Not sure when looking at our Islington Film Locations Map, that The Shepherdess is the nearest local from Islington Arts & Media School nearby Finsbury Park but that’s movies for you!

 Notes on a Scandal - Shepherdress Cafe - FILM 02

Notes on a Scandal - Shepherdress Cafe - FILM 01

Notes on a Scandal - Shepherdress Cafe - MRX 01

Undoubtedly very characteristic The Shepherdess, which recently celebrated its 31st birthday, has become an institution in its own rights and counts numerous guest stars and VIPs among its customers as can be seen on its walls. Plus, bonus for Lights, Camera…Islington! It has starred in a number of films and adverts along the way.

Either as a starting point or a final destination for an Islington film locations tour, not only you can enjoy a cuppa in this good old greasy spoon, but you can also sit in Cate Blanchett or Judi Dench’s seat while enjoying an award-winning breakfast!

A BIG THANK YOU to Hussein and the Café staff for welcoming us and allowing us to take a few pics!

Shepherdress Cafe - MRX

Fade Out

Enjoyed this post? Feel free to comment, share it with your friends and come to Islington to discover our locations! Don’t forget to send me your pictures.

And if you do know any Islington location used for Film, TV, photo shoot or have been involved in the process, drop me a line at TheUnbelievableMrX(at)gmail.com or via Twitter

How to get there?

Islington Film Locations Map

Sheperdess Café

221 City Road EC1V 1JN

Old Street Station (Zone 1)

Many buses to City Road and Old Street

Islington Arts and Media School Star Among the Stars

7 May

Just over two months ago Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett went head to head for the Best Actress in a Leading role Oscar. No strangers to such feat, it was not long ago that the two actresses collected awards and nominations around the world for their roles in a drama shot mainly in North London and Islington in particular.

In Richard Eyre’s Notes on a Scandal (2006), adapted from Zoe Heller’s book of the same name, Judi Dench plays Barbara Covett, a history teacher nearing retirement who befriends Sheba Hart (Cate Blanchett), a younger and new art teacher. Upon realising that Sheba is having an inappropriate relationship with one of her student, Barbara realises that Sheba’s mistake might be her opportunity.

Now that we have set the scene, we need, well, a school for our teachers. Where do Barbara and Sheba teach? At St George’s School. St George’s? No such school in Islington… unless of course, we are talking the old George Orwell School…the Islington Arts and Media School!

Before going any further, we would like to thank Islington Arts and Media School (IAMS) for opening their doors to us and making this post possible, in particular Martina and Ashley Grey, Community Arts Coordinator, for being our Tour Guide.

Considering the school is the workplace of our two main characters, it appears time and time again throughout Notes on a Scandal – as Leading Role do.

Although since filming took place IAMS underwent a major redevelopment, many key features seen in the movie are still visible today.

In the opening minutes we get to see the Victorian building facing Marriott Road.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 04

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 04

And again later in the movie from a slightly different angle.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 02

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 02

Also in the opening minutes, once Barbara has parked her car, we can see her walking towards the school. However, we are being slightly tricked since what looks like to be the school entrance is in fact the interior courtyard of Islington Arts & Media School. Thanks Ashley for spotting this one!

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 01

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 01

Again in this initial sequence, Barbara watches the students entering the school through the school gates on Marriott Road, and within seconds Sheba Hart arriving on her bicycle.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 06

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 07

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 05

The Sports Hall has also a ‘Supporting Role’ in the film. Initially when Head Teacher Sandy Pabblem (Michael Maloney) meets all the teachers and Sheba Hart arrives late.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 03

And again from a different angle for a School Event hosted by the Head Teacher.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 05

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 03

Angle from first scene

A special thank you to the class who allowed us to enter the Sports Hall during their classroom for a quick snapshot!

Other ‘Guest Appearances’ in the movie include  the black staircase which used to be in the main entrance is still there but the entrance has now been relocated, and the school canteen.

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 09

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 10

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - FILM 08

Notes on a Scandal - Islington Arts and Media School - MRX 06

Quite a Star among the Stars our Islington Arts and Media School as you can see. Who knows, next time you visit it, you might bump into Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench or another film crew!

Once again a BIG THANK YOU to Islington Arts & Media School, Martina and Ashley.


Looking for a space to organise an event?

Be it for training events, conferences, sports facilities or arts studios, Islington Arts & Media School has plenty to offer: http://www.iamschool.co.uk/about/facilitieslettings

For any enquiries feel free to contact Ms Ashley Grey: Ashley.Grey@iams.islington.sch.uk

or Mr Tony Derrett, Lettings Manager lettings@iams.islington.sc.uk


With many scenes of Notes on a Scandal shot in Islington, we’ll soon get back to it for more. To be continued…


Fade Out

Enjoyed this post? Feel free to comment, share it with your friends and come to Islington to discover our locations! Don’t forget to send me your pictures.

And if you do know any Islington location used for Film, TV, photo shoot or have been involved in the process, drop me a line at TheUnbelievableMrX(at)gmail.com or via Twitter

How to get there?

Islington Film Locations Map

Islington Arts and Media School

Turle Road N4 3LS

Finsbury Park Station (Zone 2)

Crouch Hill Overground Station (Zone 2)

Buses to Hanley Road, Hornsey Road, Tollington Park and Crouch Hill and Finsbury Park stations